Mental Health Terminologies | Sign Language Studios LLC

Sign Language Studios LLC

This event is in a virtual/online event.

Event Date
Contact Phone
(615) 200-0237 (Voice)
Alternate Phone
(615) 434-5676 (Video Phone)
Event Type

Workshop Description: 
Throughout history, there has been a consistent pattern of rewriting rules and narratives over time. American Sign Language (ASL), as a dynamic language, is shaped by its Deaf users. The influence of pop culture and the evolving needs of the new generation contribute to the constant evolution of ASL. This phenomenon is also evident in the realm of mental health for the Deaf community, where ASL terminology undergoes changes, especially as more Deaf mental health professionals enter the field.

Join Josh for a captivating two-hour presentation that illuminates the historical and contemporary signs in the mental health space. Gain insights into how the past and present contribute to shaping ASL, and explore the potential future developments as suggested current trends.

Presenter Bio: Joshua Weinstein, Psy.S
Joshua Weinstein assumes the vital role of a culturally Deaf school psychologist at the esteemed Tennessee School for the Deaf, in Knoxville. His career constellation has unfolded over a span of more than two decades, during which he has amassed a wealth of expertise in both the private behavioral health sector and the domain of education. Josh's regular engagement in collaborative consultations stands as a testament to his commitment, contributing his seasoned proficiency towards the cultivation of a resilient and meticulously crafted classroom milieu and curriculum, thoughtfully tailored to the unique requisites of Deaf children. Joshua is a proud graduate of Gallaudet University with B.A. in Psychology, M.A. in Developmental Psychology, and PsyS Specialist in School Psychology.

Educational Objectives:

  • The participants will leave the workshop with knowledge of twenty current mental health diagnostic terminologies.
  • The participants will acquire current signs for criteria terms that enables the professional to determine the appropriate diagnosis.
  • The participants will better understand the mental health interplay between education and clinical realms.

Should you require any accommodations, please contact us at This event upholds nondiscriminatory practices and encourages a learning environment of mutual respect and free from bias. Sign Language Studios is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This program will offer 0.2 PS CEUs, at the Little/None Content Knowledge Level.

For a full refund, cancel registration by May 9, 2024.

** Upon purchasing this workshop, you will be sent a Zoom link via PDF. Please keep this PDF in a easy-to-access location for day of workshop. ***

Updated: March 7, 2024